Siento que alejé a todos mis amigos, cause I keep on doing it. I rather them walking away because I was being a bitch than they walking away because they can't handle my sadness anymore. Cause I know they will cause apparently this shit that is going on in my brain is not going to stop any time soon. Siento que no puedo decirles nada, que no puedo ser yo, que tengo que atajarme todo. Tengo miedo de que me juzguen aún más por cada cosa que digo I'm tired of second guessing what people think about me cause clearly they just don't know me. Well, I don't know myself anyway. Me perdí y me estanqué. Ya ni recuerdo esas cosas que me hacían sonreír, ya ni recuerdo cómo estar bien. It's been so long since I was just enjoying things and letting them be. Why can't I do that shit again. Why is it so fucking hard.
Quiero decir que todo esto es un sueño feo y que pronto me voy a despertar. Quiero abrazar bien fuerte a mi mamá y decirle que me perdone por no poder dar provecho a todo lo que me da. Quiero sentir que las cosas vuelven a tener sentido. I wanna write something meaningful again but I just can't focus.
21 -06 -18
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